Skatepark and Bike Track Committee

Committee Members:  Casey Romero, Howard Romero, Greg Fatigate, George Swanson, Alexis Daniels and James Whitehill.

The Johnson SkatePark & Bike Track is a free, 3-season park with a paved skateboard terrain, a Pump Track with 3 tracks for different skill levels, and a MT Bike Terrain under construction in the central meadow.  It’s off Rt. 15 just west of the downtown Village, and an easy ride from the VT Rail Trail.  It’s a family-friendly park, with picnic tables and a seasonal water pump and portolet.

Quick directions are: Turn off Rt. 15 onto Wescom Rd., between the Jolley Store and VT Electric Coop.  Turn right onto Park Loop Rd.  Or look at an online map for “Johnson SkatePark, Park Loop Rd., 05656.”

Visit: Johnson Skatepark & Bike Track group on Facebook.

July Jame on Saturday July 20th!

For meeting minutes and agendas, click here.

Our thanks to People for Bikes for awarding $7,000 to help build the new Bike Terrain Park. Their goal, “Better Riding for Everyone,” is attained by advocacy, partnerships, and community grants. Visit to learn more.PFB_Stacked_4color_CMYK